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November Newsletter

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Friend-raiser October 26th Event

Thanks our Executive Director/Founder, Pat Craddick, for hosting our first Friend-raising event at her home on October 26th. We had a fun time sharing our work and meeting new people.  We look forward to meeting more new friends at our next friend-raising event. 

Basic Adult Literacy Classes for English Learners

Do you know someone who wishes to learn to read and write in English?  Please have them Register and attend our Basic Adult Literacy Classes for English Learners.  For more information, please see corresponding flyers.

Speed Networking for Wework Businesses

Gearing up for this speed networking event! To view more events and current news click below.
*This is an event that is only open to Harlem WeWork businesses.*

New School Year!

We are gearing up for another productive year! Here is our GED flyer for our yearlong Workforce-driven literacy classes. For more information please contact us at or register here for GED and here for ESL. To view more flyers and photos click below.

September Newsletter

To view our September Newsletter click below...

WHCR 90.3FM Radio Interview with Pat Craddick

Thanks to WHCR 90.3FM Radio and Tony Rogers for inviting Pat Craddick (Executive Director/Founder) and Connie Gemson (Workshop Leader) in on August 15th to talk about ParentJobNet and the upcoming NY Public Library (SIBL) workshops. We had a fun time. Thank you!! (View more photos here)

Harlem Community Newspaper Article -- August 10th, 2017

ParentJobNet announces new Job Readiness Workshops at the New York Public Library to benefit job seekers. To view article click below.

Job Readiness Workshops

Come take advantage of our August 3-Week Series Job Readiness Workshops in partnership with the NY Public Library. For more info click below. To sign up click here 

Proclamations Awarded to PJN

Awards received on June 14th from City, State, and Local Government. Click to view all.

NYC Council Member Helen Rosenthal Speaks at PJN Graduation Event

Helen Rosenthal, Keynote Speaker and former PJN Board Chair, addressing the audience.  See more photos of the June 14th event here.

Bronx Net Coverage Video

Bronx Net covered our Graduation 2017 Event. Click to watch full video. 

Graduation 2017 Event Success

On June 14th, ParentJobNet celebrated a successful graduation event and received high honors from local, state, and federal elected officials.  Read more...  

Parentobnet Major Supporter

May 4, 2017 -- Philanthropist Harrison Howard:  Why I support ParentJobNet.  In his own words. 

New Year Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Cheers to incredible growth in 2016 and new opportunities in 2017!



2016 was a year of unprecedented development and growth for ParentJobNet!   Thanks to the generous multi-million funding support through DDSF and an anonymous funder we were able to successfully build out new programs and increase operational capacity to make deeper impacts in the lives of public school families we serve.  



Learning to Use the Internet to Find a Job

Last Tuesday ParentJobNet hosted a computer literacy workshop focused on helping attendees use the internet to discover the best job search sites, find resources for writing resumes & cover letters, and learn about the best companies to work for. Would you like to attend a future workshop? Please visit our website at regularly to view our upcoming calendar and to learn about our other programs and services.

Thank you to all the participants who took part in our recent entrepreneur workshop, using eBay. Our presenter, Bill Benz, led a very insightful discussion about using eBay effectively to make money that was well received. We look forward to hosting future workshops to help increase learning of entrepreneurial concepts and practices and to facilitate networking opportunities with other like-minded individuals. Keep posted on upcoming workshops by visiting our website at

Adult English Language Learners Take Summer Course

This summer ParentJobNet launched its newest literacy program for Adult English Langauge Learners that is geared for students with limited schooling.  Starting in late September, a year-long class will be offered at one of our East Harlem partner public schools. After students complete this course many of them will move on to our ESL courses where they will further develop their language skills.  To learn more about our ELL and ESL classes and to sign up, please visit

Summer Inters Present to the Board of Directors

After a summer supporting ParentJobNet projects and initiatives, interns presented their work and achievements during a recent meeting of the board of directors. Board members were ecstatic at the opportunity to learn firsthand of the many contributions they each made to supporting ParentJobNet's mission. Their energy and enthusiasm will be missed in our offices, but as all internships, they come to an end. Best of luck to each of them as they start or continue college in the fall.

Another Great Workshop

Last night's entrepreneur workshop was a great success. Thank you to Paul Calendrillo and Nicholas Rispoli for leading an insightful discussion about the business side of art. We look forward to hosting future workshops to help increase your learning of entrepreneurial concepts and practices and to facilitate networking opportunities with other like-minded individuals. Keep posted on upcoming workshops by visiting our website regularly.  CLICK HERE to view photos from last night's workshop. 


To learn more about our speakers visit their websites at  and

upcoming COMPUTER LITERACY WORKSHOP - using the internet to find a job

Discover online resources to help your job search. Join ParentJobNet on Tuesday, September 13th for our Computer Literacy Workshop "Using the Internet to Find a Job. RSVP at

Using the Internet to Find a Job
Tuesday, September 13th
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
P.S. 146, 421 E. 106th St, New York


Our first computer literacy workshop was a great success.  Participants learned to use the internet to discover the best sites for finding jobs, found resources for writing resumes and cover letters, and learned how to find the best companies to work for. We are excited to be able to offer computer literacy workshops to public school parents and the community that help support job readiness, job connection, and financial security.  If you or someone you know is interested in attending a future workshop or course, please sign up to receive updates by going to    

Artist as Entrepreneur Workshop

Are you looking to learn the business side of being an artist? Join ParentJobNet on Monday, August 15th at 5:30 pm for our ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP | Artist As Entrepreneur.


Check Out Our Summer Newsletter!!!

There's been a lot going on at ParentJobNet the past few months.  Read our Summer Newsletter to get all the updates!

An Exciting End to the Year!

Congratulations to all our students, clients, teachers, counselors, and staff on a fantastic year. A special thank you to P.S. 146, Anna M Short School for hosting our ceremony and to all the parent coordinators and principals who support ParentJobNet's mission.

Artist as Entrepreneur Workshop

Are you looking to learn the business side of being an artist? Join ParentJobNet on Monday, August 15th at 5:30 pm for our ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP | Artist As Entrepreneur.


Please give what you can to help ParentJobNet support the single mothers who are the heart, soul and breadwinners of their homes and communities. Join our Honoring Mom Campaign and donate to help transform the lives of single moms by providing them with higher education, technical skills, and living wage jobs.

Please give what you can to help ParentJobNet support the single mothers who are the heart, soul and breadwinners of their homes and communities.

Thank you for your contribution to the Children's Dream Campaign!

Support our children's academic dreams. 

Congratulations to our ESL & GED Grads!


• Watch the 2010 video

• Read the 2012 Article "Then and Now -- Thankful and Giving Others Hope.

Huffington Post Article - April 2014

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